May 17, 2024

You're on your knees, I'm on the case


COZY trench coat  //  Pull & Bear striped t-shirt (find it here)  //  Reserved trousers (find them here)  // H&M sunglasses  // Cosmic Chains zodiac necklace  //  Cosmic Chains earrings (find them here)  //  Reserved belt (find it here)  //  Carpisa bag  //  Zara loafers

photos by Nataša

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Zdravo, ljudi! Kako ste? Ja sam u poslednje vreme inspirisana da kreiram sadržaj tako da, ukoliko već niste, na mom Instagramu i TikToku možete pogledati nove videe koje sam ovih dana snimila i objavila. Ukoliko ih budete pogledali volela bih da čujem vaše utiske! ♡
Takođe sam se videla s Natašom i otišle smo najpre na dezert i kafu, a potom i na ručak, i ona je zaslužna za ove senzacionalne slike koje vam sad pokazujem. Iskreno, pojma nemam šta je to s nama dvema, ali kad god se nas dve dogovorimo za slikanje, gde god da odemo, slike ispadnu toliko dobro da jedva uspem da odaberem neki normalan broj koji ću objaviti ovde i onda imam osećaj da ću vas smoriti! xD Nju sam upoznala upravo preko ove mreže i jako sam zahvalna na tome jer je ona ujedno postala i jedna od mojih bliskih prijateljica. ♡
Ova odevna kombinacija koju vidite ima zajedničke elemente s kombinacijom iz ovog posta - mantil i bele pantalone s crnim kaišem. Činjenica da ih ponovo kombinujem za kratko vreme je dobar pokazatelj koliko su svestrani i da su dobra osnova za prolećne odevne kombinacije. Ovoga puta sam ih ukombinovala s predimenzioniranom majicom na pruge, crnom tašnom sa zlatnim detaljima i crnim mokasinama s platformom. 
Ova kombinacija nije zahtevala mnogo truda i razmišljanja, a mislim da je odlična za šetnje gradom i dnevne izlaske, da li se slažete? Recite mi u komentarima! ♡

Hi, everyone! How are you? I've been very inspired to create content these days, so if you haven't already, check out my Instagram and TikTok for some new videos that I've recorded and published. If you end up giving them a look I'd like to hear what you think! ♡
I've also hung out with Nataša and we went for a dessert and coffee, and afterwards we had lunch together, and she's the one who took these sensational photos that I'm showing you now. Honestly, I have no idea what happens when the two of us arrange a photoshoot, wherever we end up going, the photos turn out so good that I'm struggling to make up my mind and select a reasonable number of them to share over here and I get a feeling that I'm going to bore you! xD She and I met through this very network actually, and I'm so grateful for it because she's also become one of my closest friends. ♡
This outfit that you're seeing here has common elements with the outfit shown in this post - the trench coat and the white trousers with the black belt. The fact that I'm wearing them again in such a short timeframe just shows how versatile they are and that they're a great base for spring outfits. This time I paired them with an oversized striped t-shirt, a black bag with gold details and black chunky loafers.  
This outfit didn't take much effort or thinking over, and I think it's great for strolling around the city and daytime rendez-vous, do you agree? Let me know in the comments! ♡


  1. What a gorgeous outfit! I just love the top and those beautiful accessories!
    the creation of beauty is art.

  2. I love your outfit! Stripes and neutrals is such a classic look. Also the lining of the trench coat is so cute.

    Zoey | xx

  3. Love everything about this outfit! How gorgeous is the lining of the trench too! xx
    Danielle’s Beauty Blog

    1. Thanks, Danielle! It's really cute, isn't it? <3

  4. I love this classic cool look! The striped top and trench look fabulous together!

  5. What a beautiful outfit, also how gorgeous is the lining of that trench coat! I hope you had a lovely time with your friend xx

    Hannah |

    1. Thank you! Yes, we always have a great time. <3

  6. You look great in this timeless styling. Wonderful hairstyle :-)

  7. Such a great look! Love the floral detail on the trench. Have followed you on Instagram and TikTok
    Gemma x

  8. Lovely outfit!!
    Perfect photos.

  9. Divno je kada nas blogovi povežu sa ljudima, a još je ljepše kada se i uživo upoznamo. Ja sam se upoznala s jednom njemačkom blogericom koja je posebno radi mene odlučila ljetovati u Hrvatskoj. Veoma prijatna žena, inače je psiholog i baš je nekako cijela osjećajna- moj muž je komentirao da nije nikako tipičnja Nijemica.
    Upoznala sam i jednu Splićanku koja je doktorica, a hobi joj je šivanje. Divna osoba, baš me oduševila.
    Tako da, nadam se da ću imati priliku upoznati još virtualnih prijateljica. Najbolje bi bilo da organiziramo neku konferenciju blogova pa da se svi nađemo..ili da se priključimo nekoj, možda ih i ima. :) Često idem na konferencije za profesore, skoro svaki vikend ponekad, trebala bih upratiti i ove konferencije za društvene mreže i ostalo, mada od društvenih mreža nekako najviše blogove pratim.

    No, da se vratimo na temu. Fotografije su predivne i odlično je što si pronašla i drugaricu i suradnicu. :)
    Kombinacija mi se jako sviđa. Majica na prugice je divna!! U kombinaciji s bijelim hlačama čista bezvremenska klasika i elegancija. Sviđaju mi se i cipele. Ja sam kupila sličan par u Deichmana prošle godine, ali mi nikako nisu bile udobne, pa sam nekako i odustala od pokušaja da ih nosim.

    1. Hvala puno na divnom komentaru, draga Ivana! Mnogo mi je drago što si i ti ostvarila divna poznanstva kroz ovu sferu! <3

  10. Love the outfit! The mix of stripes, white pants, and trench coat is so chic, and those chunky loafers add a cool touch. Great style!

  11. Love the outfit! The mix of stripes, white pants, and trench coat is so chic, and those chunky loafers add a cool touch. Great style!

  12. This is such a chic outfit! Love the french girl vibes!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  13. It is nice when you can go out and have a good time and get some outfit photos taken at the same time! I do this with my hubby sometimes. I love that jacket AND your loafers. I just followed you on IG and TikTok!


  14. I love that base for so many options of outfits. Great photos,

  15. I am obsessed with this outfit Jelena! I adore the loafers! x

    Lucy Mary

  16. Great outfit. Love the lining of your coat and the bag is gorgeous as well.

  17. What a beautiful outfit! The pictures are stunning and I absolutely love the colorful print in your trench coat!

    1. Thanks! Yes, the lining of the trench is the crowd's favourite, I believe! <3

  18. A very refines and timeless outfit!
    Love the pop of color of the inside of the trenchcoat!

  19. Oh wow! I love this look. The bag and shoes complete the neutral outfit perfectly.

  20. Hi, I really like the French style of this look! Your friend has an eye for photography, you look beautiful!

  21. I love the way you styled this look! Thanks for sharing!

  22. Lindo atuendo . Te mando un beso.

  23. I love this outfit!

    Emilia |

  24. Such a beautiful outfit! Love your coat.

  25. I love this classic, chic outfit! The lining of your trench coat is fab!

    Emma xxx

  26. Jako lep outfit i trendi i udoban.
    Ljubim punooo

  27. Love your whole outfit and your styling, so elegant and chic. I need to get myself a similar bag that you have. :-)

    Via |

    1. Thank you! <3 Sadly this Carpisa model is sold out long ago, but if I find something similar I'll share the link, I promise! <3

  28. Me encantó la combinación, la gabardina es una clásico que siempre luce bien y los mocasines son una tendencia fuerte esta temporada. Saludos guapa!

  29. I love wearing white pants and a striped t-shirt, it goes well together and looks great! ♥
    I love your content here and on Instagram and I think it's amazing to be able to form friendships through social media, just like you and your friend who took the photos. That's the good part of the internet! :)
