In the very beginning, welcome to my world! My name is Jelena Dimić, I'm thirty years young and I'm a doctor of dental medicine and style blogger from Belgrade, Serbia. I created this blog back in 2012 and slowly it turned into my own creative empire.

When I was four, my parents discovered my talent for drawing and always kept buying me crayons and notebooks to keep my creativity going. As I grew older I began to realize how much I enjoyed drawing garments and creating outfits, and I wanted to become a fashion designer one day. I was easily inspired by anything and thousands of ideas would come rushing in, making me fill one notebook after another, use every color and every line to create something new with every passing hour.

My style and personality evolved hand in hand over time, and every day is a new opportunity for me to grow and make progress. I chose dental medicine as my future career since my primary aspiration in life is to help others, but fashion will forever stay my true love and fulfilling hobby. Through this blog I'll keep showing you my interpretation of fashion and style, and hopefully inspire you to dare to be yourself in every possible way, because there's no one and nothing else you should ever be. I love you all and appreciate every ounce of your support, thanks for always being there.