November 17, 2024

Gave up who I am for who you wanted me to be

LeCapsole blazer (find it here)  //  H&M sweater (find it here)  //  Koton trousers  //  Stradivarius bag (find it here)  //  Reserved belt (find it here)  //  Rosefield watch (find it here)  //  Mohito shoes

photos by Nataša

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Zdravo, ljudi! Evo me ponovo, posle čitava tri meseca otkako sam poslednji put pisala - moram da priznam, septembar i oktobar su mi bili poprilično haotični jer se mnogo toga izdešavalo i promenilo, plus sam i pregorela u kreativnom smislu i nisam imala volje za mnogo čime. Međutim, neke kockice su se posložile i konačno mogu postepeno da se vratim stvarima koje volim i u kojima uživam.
Dugo sam izbegavala sivu boju misleći da mi ne stoji lepo i da ni sa čim ne mogu da je uklopim i nosim - koliko sam samo pogrešila! Palo mi je na pamet da konačno sastavim odevnu kombinaciju koja se može nositi na posao i koja će istovremeno ispoštovati kodeks oblačenja i biti lepa i u trendu, i nadam se da sam uspela u tome.
Klasične crne i sive tonove razbila sam dodavši aksesoare u boji koja je trend ove sezone - bordo! Ranije sam mnogo volela da nosim bordo karmine i ne znam u kom trenutku sam zaboravila na to koliko sam u tome uživala. Sad kad sam svuda počela da viđam bordo boju u svim mogućim varijantama vratila mi se želja da s vremena na vreme zamenim klasične "nude" karmine crvenim i bordo tonovima, šta mislite o tome?
Isto tako me zanima - kako se vama dopada bordo boja i da li je nosite ove sezone? Recite mi u komentarima! 

Hi, everyone! I'm finally back, after three whole months since the last time I've posted on here - I have to admit, September and October have been pretty chaotic because so many things have happened and a lot has changed, plus I suffered a creative burnout and I didn't feel like doing much of anything. However, some things have fallen into place and I can finally go back to the things that I love and enjoy in.
I've been avoiding grey for such a long time thinking that it didn't look good on me and that I had nothing to combine it and wear it with - boy, was I wrong! I finally came to the idea to assemble an outfit that you could wear to work and that it would stay true to the dress code and be nice and trendy at the same time, and I hope I did it right.
I've decided to break through the classic black and grey tones by adding accessories in this season's trending color - burgundy! I used to love wearing burgundy lipsticks and I don't know at what point I forgot about how much I enjoyed rocking that lip color. Now that I've started seeing burgundy everywhere in so many variants I feel like switching the classical nude lipsticks for red and burgundy, what do you think?
I'd also like to know - how do you feel about burgundy and are you wearing it this season? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. Divna kombinacija, veoma elegantna. Oversize blazer ti sjajno stoji, pogotovo u kombinaciji s tim sivim pantalonama. Torbica i cipele se divno slažu i dodaju malo boje. Ja isto prije nisam voljela sivu boju, a sada sam je prigrlila jer sam shvatila da je baš elegantna i chic.
    Dobrodošla natrag nakon blog pauze. Mislim da je neophodno i neminovno uzimati pauze od bloga, jer život uvijek mora biti na prvom mjestu. Meni je isto život u zadnje vrijeme baš iscrpljujuć, imam puno posla. Nekada mi to donosi zadovoljstvo, a nekad se zapitam zašto moram preuzimati toliko obaveza?

  2. I love the blazer!!


  3. It sounds like you've had a busy few months! I'm glad to hear you are back doing things that you love and enjoy. Sometimes, when burnout happens, you just need to step back for a bit and recharge. This outfit is so powerful. I love it!

    the creation of beauty is art.

  4. Seems you have been quite bust lately. Btw you look great in this attire. Nice coat and lovely styling. Gloriousher

  5. Oh I feel you, summer and then NYFW and then PFW and producing content I was SO busy and it left me with burn out too, not so much covering the events or even producing content but more dealing with social media and algorithms kind of over it.

    But OMG I LOVE burgundy. So far I only have burgundy tights I think I need to get a bag too! You look great! Love the whole look and great too see you back.

    Allie of

  6. So love this look, and the color of the bag and heels! And the trousers are perfect!

  7. I love the grey and burgundy colour combo right now, I adore this outfit you're wearing! x

    Lucy Mary

  8. I can totally feel you, dear!
    Feeling the burnout and still having to keep on going on busy days is so stressful and sickening!
    Hope that you can have a calm moment to stop everything and recharge.
    Anyway I'm loving burgundy, it looks great on every kindof look: totally in love with your shoes!

  9. I love everything about this look! Especially the hair and makeup. Glad to see you're back!

  10. Powerful outfit and the color block helps you give the vibes of girl boss


  11. You look great in grey, very classy! Hope everything is fine now!

  12. I love the blazer. Red lipstick looks good on you.

    Annies Food Diary

  13. Burgundy is beautiful and looks so good with the grey! x


  14. Hello, Jelena! I loved everything about this look! You managed to put it all nicely together, and that extra hint of color, aka burgundy, was the perfect add-on! The pinstripe blazer gives it a polished and professional vibe, making it ideal for office wear. It's such a chic and stylish way to bring personality to work attire—absolutely nailed it! ♥

    Have a beautiful weekend! xx

  15. Welcome back! Love how you gave grey a fresh twist with burgundy. It's such a fab combo!

    Lenne |

  16. Love the burgundy accents and you look fabulous in grey!

  17. I really love this look, it's powerful and chic darling.

  18. I'm so glad you're back!
    I loved your look, I love gray, the blazer is gorgeous, I've always wanted one like that. The burgundy lipstick is so pretty and looks great on you. I loved! ♥

  19. Love the grey tones! Welcome back from your posting hiatus! :)


  20. This is a classy look.. love the pop of Burgundy.
    The Trendy Bride

  21. Such a chic look, Jelena. I love the pops of burgundy!
    Julia x

  22. i love the jacket ant the pants. Also the burgundy bag and shoes are fantastic!

  23. I absolutely love this outfit! The shoes and matching bag, lips and nails are awesome! Happy holidays, hopefully you have time to relax :)

  24. This is such a lovely outfit! Love the look and the photography is absolutely beautiful! :)

    Happy holidays!

    Layla - Sprinkles of Style

  25. This is such a lovely outfit!
    Thank you for sharing!

  26. I love this outfit! The pops of burgundy are so chic!

    Eileen |

  27. I'm fall in love for your bag and your shoes!!!
    xoxo Gina

  28. Oh your style is gorgeous! I like how you've created a look that can be for business or pleasure and it's so seamless. The pop the bag gives is just stunning, love it!

    Jordanne ||

  29. In love with this stylist outfit Jelena, you look fabulous!
    Have a wonderful week!

  30. A very nice blog, lots of great ideas.

  31. I am loving this blazer on you- and the burgundy accessories are so fun with it!

    Le Stylo Rouge
