June 28, 2023

I guess I kinda liked the way you helped me escape

P.S. Fashion blazer  //  BÉBÉ by Dunja oversized white shirt  //  Cocopat baguette bag "Sara"  //  H&M sunglasses (find them here)  //  Cosmic Chains jewellery  //  Women'secret tights  //  Zara chunky loafers (find them here)

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Dugo se nismo videli na blogu, je l' da? Mnogo toga se desilo u poslednja dva meseca, a ono što je posebno uzdrmalo društvo bile su dve masovne pucnjave koje su se dogodile dan za danom - jedna se desila u osnovnoj školi, a druga u naselju na obodima Beograda. Devetnaestoro je ubijeno (većinom dece i mladih), i još mnogo njih je ranjeno. Nepotrebno je reći da je čitava naša zemlja gorela od tuge i besa, i ti događaji su bili okidač za početak nenasilnih protesta koji se odvijaju poslednjih sedam nedelja. Iako sam i sama dugo osećala tugu i bes, ne samo zbog toga što su se te tragedije uopšte i dogodile, već i zato što su svi postupci nadležnih i medija koji su za tim usledili bili potpuno pogrešni, moram priznati da sam u jeku svega toga osetila i nadu da se nešto može promeniti na bolje, pre svega jer su dobri ljudi moje zemlje pokazali zajedništvo, solidarnost i empatiju koji vraćaju veru u čovečanstvo.
Kad već pričamo o jedinstvu i empatiji koji vraćaju veru u ljude, ovaj post sam nazvala po pesmi škotskog kantautora Lewisa Capaldija koju sam tek danas čula (na moju sramotu), i to na snimku s njegovog nastupa na ovogodišnjem Glastonberi festivalu. Njemu je nedavno dijagnostikovan Turetov sindrom (poremećaj nervnog sistema koji uzrokuje nevoljne radnje, odnosno tikove) i on ga je ometao u nastupu, a publika na festivalu je uglas pevala celu pesmu da ga podseti da je voljen, prihvaćen i da nije sam. To me je dirnulo do te mere da sam dušu isplakala, jer je bilo tako lepo videti jedan upečatljiv primer kako ne morate biti savršeni da biste bili prihvaćeni i voljeni.
A kad već govorimo o nesavršenostima i prihvatanju, već dugo imam jednu veliku nesigurnost koja često uzdrmava sliku koju imam o sebi - ne dopadaju mi se moj stomak i noge. Postala sam veoma samosvesna po tom pitanju i zatičem sebe kako nekoliko puta u toku dana posmatram noge drugih devojaka i žena na društvenim mrežama, ili svoje na slikama iz prethodnih godina, i to me je dovelo do tačke da se ne osećam u svom telu dobro kao ranije. Primetila sam da se moje telo u tom smislu najviše promenilo u bivšem radnom okruženju koje je bilo izuzetno toksično i u kome se, na svu sreću, više ne nalazim. Znam da je telesna težina nešto što se može menjati, da je to relativno mala stvar koja se kroz izvesno vreme može promeniti, i što je najvažnije - znam da sam mnogo više od svojih nogu i da me to kako one izgledaju nimalo ne definiše - ali i pored toga svakom od nas se može desiti da se pod uticajem nametnutih standarda lepote oseća manje dobro u svojoj koži. I nije nimalo lako uzimajući u obzir da smo njima bombardovani sa svih strana.
Vidim da je ovo nešto na čemu ću intenzivnije raditi, pre svega na psihoterapiji jer moram napasti problem na samom izvoru da bih ga rešila, i bez obzira na to što je preda mnom naporan put prihvatanja promena kroz koje je moje telo prošlo osećam da sam spremna da se uhvatim u koštac s tim. Želim da konačno počnem da radim na tome da se osećam bolje, ne samo po pitanju svog fizičkog izgleda, već i da mentalno/emotivno budem zadovoljnija sobom i napredujem. Znam da mogu.
I za kraj: ako postoji bilo ko od vas ko se oseća isto ili slično, znajte da niste sami - nesigurnosti imaju i oni za koje nikad ne biste pretpostavili da ih nešto muči, čak i oni koji na prvi pogled deluju savršeno srećno. I ako želite da promenite nešto u vezi sa sobom to je sasvim u redu i navijam za vas, sve dok ta želja za promenom dolazi iz vašeg srca, a ne zato što vas okolina na to prisiljava ubeđujući vas da takvi kakvi jeste ne zaslužujete svoje mesto u svetu. Vi svoje mesto uvek zaslužujete - i u najboljem, i u najgorem izdanju i u svim verzijama između. ♡

Long time no see on the blog, right? A lot of things have happened in the past two months, and what really tug society to the core were two mass shootings that took place in two consecutive days - one was at an elementary school and the other in a small town on the outskirts of Belgrade. Nineteen people were shot and murdered (mostly children and young adults) and many more were seriously wounded. Needless to say that our whole country was burning in sorrow and anger, and those events were the trigger for non-violent protests which have been taking place for the last seven weeks. Although I myself felt the same sorrow and anger for a while, not only for the fact that these two tragedies happened in the first place, but also because everything the authorities and the media have done afterwards was sickeningly wrong, I have to admit that, amidst all of that, I also felt some hope that something might finally change for the better - primarily because the good people of my country have shown unity, solidarity and empathy that restore faith in humanity.
Speaking of unity and empathy that restore faith in humanity, I named this post after a song by the Scottish singer-songwriter named Lewis Capaldi that I first heard today (much to my disgrace), and it was on a video recorded during his performance at this year's Glastonbury Festival. He has recently been diagnosed with Turret syndrome (a nervous system condition that causes involuntary actions such as ticks) and it was making it difficult for him to perform, but the crowd collectively sang along through the whole song to remind him that he was loved, accepted and that he wasn't alone. That touched me so deeply that I cried my heart out, because it was so heartwarming to see a real life example of how you don't need to be perfect in order to be loved and accepted. 
And now that I mentioned imperfections and accepting, for some time I've been struggling with an insecurity that often disturbs the way I see myself - I dislike my belly and legs. I've become very self-conscious because of that and I often catch myself looking at legs of other girls and women on social media photos, or even my own from earlier years, and that has lead me to the point of not feeling as good in my body as before. I noticed that my body changed the most in that sense in my previous work environment which was quite toxic, and which I am, luckily, no longer a part of. I know that body weight is something that varies, and that it's a relatively small thing that can be changed in a period of time, and more importantly - I know that I am so much more than my legs and that the way they look doesn't define me - but still every single one of us can struggle with feeling good in their own skin under the influence of imposed beauty standards. And it's anything but easy knowing that we're being bombarded by them from every direction.
I can see that this is something I'll be working harder on, primarily on psychotherapy sessions because I must attack the problem at the source in order to solve it, and it doesn't matter that there is a long and tough road of accepting the changes my body has gone through ahead of me, I feel like I'm ready to take it on. I want to finally start working on feeling better, not only regarding my physical appearance, but also to be happier with myself mentally/emotionally and make progress. I know I can.
And to sum it up: if there is anyone among you who feels like this or in a somewhat similar way about anything, know that you're not alone - even the people who look perfectly happy and like they couldn't possibly have anything to struggle with have their insecurities. And if you want to change something about yourself, it's completely fine and I'm rooting for you, as long as that desire for change comes from your heart and not because your surroundings are forcing you to it by making you believe that you don't deserve a place in the world by being who you are. You always deserve your own place in the world - at your best, at your worst, and at everything in between. ♡


  1. Those insecurities are hard to manage, but sending you lots of hugs your way.

  2. Oh wow that is horrible, jez, I thought this only happened in America, it happens here so often we have become immune to it, which is pretty bad. Ah indeed people without health problems don't know how lucky they are. You look great and should not worry about how you look. Loving this plaid blazer and this photo shoot!

    Allie of

    1. Yes, I don't remember if there has been a tragedy of this kind in my country for almost 30 years that I spent on this Earth, I just pray and hope that it never happens again. The circumstances of the elementary school shooting are upsetting to say the least. I hope that someday gun violence will end in the United States as well, and everywhere in the world for that matter.
      Thank you for your kind comment, Allie. <3 I do need to work on the way I treat myself and my body, and I hope I'll make some progress soon.

  3. So sorry that you are struggling. I adore this blazer and how you layered it over the oversized shirt. That bag is fabulous too!


  4. Beautiful outfit! Yes, I saw the video of the crowd helping sing with the Scottish singer. It was very touching! ❤️


    1. Thank you, Radi. Yes, it was very touching and beautiful to see. <3

  5. Sometimes I think that people is really crazy! I'm used to think that some things just happens in countries far away from us but it ended to be "all the world is the same"...
    Luckily thare are even a lot of good people around even if often bad news make more audience than the good ones.
    Fagilities and insecurities are very common as well, I don't know a singe person that doesn't have some! So don't think too much to it , you are a so pretty girl!
    And you've got even a great style! I love your blazer!

    1. Yes, sadly there isn't a place in the world where horrific things don't happen at all - it's just that they happen in some parts of the world more than in the others.
      Thank you for the kind comment, Silvia. <3 Insecurities are common and many people have them, but overcoming them is a long and tough battle.

  6. Love the return of preppy! You look incredibly cute and ready to roll. And you have a very talented photographer at your disposal. I just sometimes think people are crazy in gerenal. horrible things happen and it impossible for me to understand it

    1. Yes, it is true, there is so much evil in this world that it's absolutely impossible to comprehend. Thank you! <3

  7. That is a great blazer. Sorry to hear about the tragedies in your country though :(

  8. Beautiful photos and look. Cool post!


    Kisses ;*

  9. I love that jacket! Looks great on you!

    Corinne x

  10. I love your blazer and this chic look!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  11. Oh girl, I hear you on the body image stuff. I struggle all of the time and try to work on not comparing myself to others....even though it can be super hard. Sending positive vibes your way!



  12. Divna moja Jelena, odusevila si me ovim postom kako fotografijama tako i sa iskrenim i mudrim tekstom o 'nesavrsenostima' sa kojima se svaka od nas kad tad suocava. Otkrij mi gde je ova savrsena lokacija :)

    1. Hvala od srca, draga moja Ivana! <3 U pitanju je KPGT nedaleko od Ade Ciganlije. :D

  13. This whole outfit is just gorgeous!! xx

    Would you like to follow each other's blog?

    FRENCHSTYLE | Follow me on instagram ♥

  14. This is lovely and chic look! I'm with you on the comparison thing, it can be so hard especially with social media!

    Eileen | yesmissy.com

    1. Thanks, Eileen. <3 Sadly it's a struggle for many of us. :(

  15. You always have the best outfits, love that blazer and you look fabulous.
    So sorry to hear about these tragedies.

  16. This outfit is so lovely and nice

  17. Such a chic look! I love the blazer!
    Gemma x

  18. A school shooting is horrific, I know they happen in the US so much but you don't often hear about them from other countries. In my home town we had one too, but luckily no one was hurt, it is unheard of here in Perth but it just shows you it can happen, which it absolutely shouldn't happen. I just have to believe most people in this world are good, like the Lewis Capaldi moment at Glastonbury. I am so sorry you struggle with your legs, they are fabulous and I wish mine looked like yours! I don't like my legs but I say to myself, at least I have them! Sending you lots of love xx

    1. Yes, it is horrific to see that a kid who was just a month or two short of turning fourteen was capable of committing such an atrocious crime. And if that wasn't shocking enough, a 20 year old commited roughly the same crime the very next day - adding the fact that nothing similar happened here in our recent history makes everything so difficult to process. And for the kind people like the ones singing with Lewis - I agree. There are so many of them out there, and that festival gathered thousands of them in one place. <3
      As for my insecurity - don't get me wrong, I am truly grateful for having healthy legs that can take me places, and I love that they carry me everywhere I go, but considering everything I've gone through in the past two years and how it all reflected on my body is something I'm still learning to cope with. I'll get better at it for sure, and I'll find motivation to just shape up slightly and boost my self esteem a little. <3

      Thank you so much for every word you've written, Janet - you're a wonderful soul. <3

  19. Oh my, what an awful thing to happen. I'm not really up to date with news as I find it a tad depressing but I try to read stuff every now and again. There's so much hate, anger and wars in the world right now... it all needs to stop.

    On another note, I feel you on insecurities. It's really hard to draw your attention away from something you dislike about yourself. I've tried to be happier with my body as it's gotten bigger over the years. But it's really hard to do this.

    Lastly, Lewis Capaldi is bloody incredible. I highly recommend watching his documentary on Netflix if you haven't already.

    www.zoeyolivia.com xx

    1. As important it is to keep up with what's happening in the world, violence has become so frequent that listening to the news and reading about them has turned into a severe attack to our mental health. We all deserve a break sometimes because there is a limit to how much we can take.
      Yes, accepting insecurities and working on them in any way is a long and tough journey and it can be really exhausting and hard to cope with sometimes, but we'll all work them out eventually, at our own pace. <3
      Thank you for the recommendation, Zoey, I'll give that documentary a watch for sure! <3

  20. I'm so sorry to hear about the tragedies in your country and your struggles with your insecurities. Sending virtual hugs and positive vibes your way. On another note, I love this blazer and how you styled it.
    Julia x

  21. Strašno je što se dogodilo. Radim u privatnoj školi i počeli smo ključati vrata, nešto što nikad nismo radili jer smo izvan grada. Strah se uvuče u ljude. Uopće nisam sigurna kako razgovarati o tome. Dokazano je da kada su ubojice u medijima, odmah poraste broj onih koji ih oponašaju....što više mediji o tome, veće su šanse.se da se ponovi...a opet kako ne razgovarati o tome? Treba razgovore i medijsku popraćenost voditi i činiti na stručan način.

    1. Apsolutno, to je poznato kao fenomen "Verterovog efekta" odnosno "copycat efekta" - tendencija da se takvo ponašanje oponaša raste nakon temeljne obrade u medijima.
      A strah se jeste uvukao u ljude posle te tragedije i mislim da nikada više neće biti isto. </3

    2. Meni se isto tako čini. Nažalost dovoljna je jedna takva tragedija da više nikad ne bude isto . :(

  22. Sorry to hear about the mass shooting that killed those people, it becoming a norm now these days, sadly. You look good in that blazer and I see no insecurity, embrace your imperfections.

    The Style Fanatic

  23. It's outrageous about the crazy things that happen for no reason in the world too. I love your outfit and the piano shot is gorgeous. My friend was actually at that Lewis Capaldi concert when it happened. <3
    What a full post. And what a great trip you have planned.

    1. Thank you! So nice to know that your friend was one of those wonderful people who supported him. <3

  24. I am so sorry to hear about these shootings and sadly they have become so common in the U.S. and I still just can't understand it all and it makes me sad, angry and disappointed. I love your blazer in these photos AND your legs look great... before I even read what you wrote I was thinking that. I'm glad you are working on embracing these thoughts and not letting them control you. Have a good week!


  25. Nisam stigla komentirati kombinaciju i fotografije. Predivno izgledaš, frizura ti je lijepa, a fotografije djeluju baš profesionalno. Odjevna kombinacija mi se jako sviđa. Blajzer je predivan, a košulja nošena kao haljina je jako šik.

  26. Love how yo style them. So suitable on you.

    Thanks for sharing such a great idea!

    Looking forward for the next post.

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  27. I loved seeing the crowd support Lewis too! So touching! x

  28. I really like the blazer. Overall the complete look is 10/10.

    Akanksha | https://www.thatseptembermuse.com

  29. Nice and elegant outfit! Thanks for sharing.
    I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

  30. I'm so sorry to hear that you're struggling- we're unfortunately used to hearing about/experiencing these tragedies in the US, which is horrifying.

    You look amazing in this outfit- the blazer is so cool, and I love the loafer with it! You're a babe!


  31. You look stunning!! Love the blazer. And that title made the Lewis Capaldi song stuck in my head :D

  32. Love your blazer and this look is so chic. You are so gorgeous!

  33. Hi Jelena, I hope you're doing good!

    First of all thanks for your lovely comment on my latest blog post! I am glad to read that you enjoyed the content :)

    And then about the blog post, congratulations for addressing these types of actions and to stand agains this, it is truth that news (like the mass shooting) can really affect our capacitiy to create and to concentrate in our daily lives.

    And I think this look is just impressive, just the kind of things I could wear too.... blazers and loafers, they look amazing in this combination, they totally bring me dark academia vibes *_* The photographies are really fashion editorial too, really professional and inspiring.

    And I think talking about our insecurities and address them is the first step to make an improvement, not easy at all but it is inspiring to read that changes can be done if we take one step at a time :)


    1. Thanks, Pablo! Dark Academia is a great source of style inspiration, I'll surely incorporate elements from that aesthetic in my future outfits!
      And thank you again for the heartfelt comment. <3

  34. Amazing look and styling dear ...you look stunning :-)
    Beauty and Fashion/Glamansion/Rampdiary

  35. Oh you look so stylish! I love the blazer and your hair is GORGEOUS!

