January 14, 2015

Romwe style choices for 2015

Zdravo, dragi moji! Kako ste? Najpre bih vam poželela srećnu 2015 godinu punu uspeha, sreće, zdravlja i ljubavi. Nadam se da će vam se sve želje i planovi ostvariti. :*

Kako sam bila i previše zauzeta zbog fakulteta (anatomiju sam napokon položila, jeeeej!) nisam imala ni vremena ni volje da se javljam ovde, ali evo me sada sa, za početak godine koja predstoji, preporukama i stilskim odabirima za koje se nadam da će vam se dopasti. :D Pa, da počnemo!
Onima koji me dobro poznaju neće biti nikakvo iznenađenje kada kažem da se, pored svih vrsta gornjih delova koje već posedujem i svakog puta kad kažem da ih imam dovoljno, uvek nađe nešto novo što u istom trenutku poželim da kupim. Ni ove bluze nisu izuzetak. Opuštena bela šifonska košulja je klasika sa kojom nikad nema greške, dok su cvetni detalji, tekstura čipke, romantični ili vintage print recepti koji garantuju maksimalno ženstven izgled. :)

Hello, my suspects! How are you doing? First of all, I'd like to wish you a happy New Year, with a lot of success, love, happiness and health in 2015. I hope all your wishes and plans come true. :*
As I was more than busy around college (I finally passed anatomy, yeeeeey!) I had neither time nor the enthusiasm to write here, but here I am now with new style recommendations for a stylish year that I hope you'll like. :D So, shall we begin?
The ones who know me well won't be surprised to hear that, despite every top that I already have and each time that I say that I've finally got enough of them, I can always come across something that I instantly want to buy. These blouses are no exception. A flowing white chiffon blouse is a classic that no one can go wrong with, while floral details, lace texture, romantic and vintage prints guarantee an entirely feminine look. :)

Mnogi modni kritičari i dizajneri tvrde da je nošenje helanki velika stilska greška i da odevne predmete poput helanki treba nositi isključivo za odlazak u teretanu ili izležavanje kod kuće. Romwe nudi varijante ovog omraženog odevnog predmeta koje svakako predstavljaju izuzetak za to pravilo. Odaberite helanke drugačijeg printa, boje ili teksture i time lako izbegnite stil od koga mnogi s pravom zaziru.
Ljubim vas do sledećeg posta! Potrudiću se da sledeće javljanje bude u što kraćem roku. :*

Many fashion critics and designers claim that wearing leggings is a number one style mistake and that such clothing items should only be worn at the gym or for a lazy day at home. Romwe offers variants of this despised clothing item that are an absolute exception to the rule. Choose a pair of leggings with a different print, color or texture and easily avoid the look that many people see as unattractive, and with very good reasons.
Kisses until the next post! I'll do my best to write again on the shortest possible notice. :*